Friday, May 15, 2009

Pasha hits the jackpot... twice

OK, I'd like to see a show of paws, how many of you from Internet-land are coming to meet one of my lovely lady friends on Saturday? You know, we have seven lovely ladies looking for their forever home.

Trust me, this will be one of those decisions that you look back on and two things will happen:
1.) you'll wonder why you waited so cotton-pickin' long to adopt a greyhound and
2.) you'll know in your heart of hearts that adopting a senior greyhound was the best decision you have ever made.

So keep those paws in the air and we'll see you on Saturday.

What's that? You want to know my story, gosh, I thought you would never ask.

When I was just a young pup, I knew I wanted to be a writer. All of my littermates were running and playing tug-o'-war and I was devouring every book I could get a hold of.

When it was time to go to the track, I didn't want to run, I wanted to write. I wanted to tell the stories of the greyhounds winning their races, I wanted to talk about the dogs going into adoption groups...

Oh, that isn't the story you want to hear, you want to hear about my adoption story.

I was originally adopted as a two year old racetrack drop-out. I was adopted in Las Vegas. I hit the jackpot. My family loved me very, very much. They took me everywhere, family reunions, vacations, long walks and even to work. We moved around and I ended up in Portland for my golden years.

Last fall the announcement was made that another move was coming up and we were going to California. Sadly for me, at 12 1/2 years old, my body was not keeping up with my mind. I was getting weak in the hind end, stairs were not negotiable anymore and long walks, even around the block were difficult.

My family had to make some decisions.

That's where my new moms come in. Their lifestyle has completely gone to the dogs, so to speak. I could either move to California, where my walks might be painful and on concrete or I could go to the gardens, where I have a fenced acre of nothing but lush green grass to squish between my toes. I have a ramp that makes it easy for me to go in and out, and I have a million brothers and sisters to boss around.

My family loved me so much, that they knew I would be much better off if I stayed with my new moms. And I hit the jackpot for a second time.

Now, I don't run as fast as some of the youngsters, but I can still work up a head of steam.

I love nothing more than to lay in the grass and wander around the acre taking in all of the smells.

And when the evening comes, we all pile into the living room and I turn my tootsies to the air and relax.

I might mention that this is one of the big positives of greyhound adoption. We hope that every greyhound that is adopted goes to their forever home, but sometimes life happens. It only takes one phone call to an adoption group and you will have all of the support you need. And in my case, I had a new home to go to.

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