Monday, January 26, 2009

Just Ask Pasha • What is this muzzle?

Why did they send this muzzle home with my greyhound? Aren't they cruel?

Oh contrar, for a greyhound putting a muzzle on is just like putting on a pair of glasses. We can still eat, drink and pick up toys with a muzzle on.

Muzzles are great for many things, here are just a few:
  1. If you have many greyhounds out running and playing, muzzles can prevent their very thin greyhound skin from tearing if one dog should nip at another—they really are a must have in greyhound playgroups, and ALL of the greyhounds need to wear one
  2. When your greyhound is first introduced to a kitty friend, a small dog, or even another dog, the muzzle provides a measure of safety, just in case
  3. If your greyhound is left at home alone, especially if you chose not to use a kennel, a muzzle can prevent chewing or other mischief your greyhound could find
  4. If you have multiple greyhounds that you leave at home alone, wearing muzzles will keep them safer just in case a fight should break out while you are gone
Talley and Joey are modeling their muzzles. Remember, muzzles offer safety for the greyhounds. They can still eat, drink and pick up toys with them.

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